Saturday, November 1, 2008

Catching up on the blog; Novv. 1, 2008

If you've been watching our Westward Ho blog and wondering what happened, this message will let you know we didn't get eaten up by the Polar Bears or lost in the Canadian Woods. We made it home fine without any incidents arriving in Chattanooga on Sunday afternoon October 19th. Needless to say, business activities have consumed Bob since we returned and this blog fell thru the cracks. Disappointingly, we also had an issue with our camera that has caused us to erase and lose a number of photos taken between 9/28 and 10/10. We'll catch the blog up on a daily basis and post photos where we can. We're happy to hear so many of you have been watching our trip unfold. We just feel blessed and fortunate we were ale to do it. Regards, Bob & Gail

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to learn that you have not become polar bear food. Welcome home and thanks for the updates! Everybody looks happy and healthy and we love to read and see all the great pictures!